I got to hang out with musicians! || The making of an album
I love music. I listen to music when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I clean, when I edit pictures, when I drive…my goal is to live my life with a soundtrack. Currently, Yonaka is turned up to 11. So it would be no surprise to you now, that I was super STOKED to hang out at a real live recording session for my musically inclined and talented friend, Alison.
A month ago, I got to hang out in a local Kitchener music studio, Frederick House Audio, with Alison and a bunch of other cool musicians. The owner of Frederick House Audio, Steve, is a great guy who has created a welcoming and intimate space for local musicians to record their albums.
Alison is the musical talent behind The Real Emily Flowers. She is an amazing fiddler, songwriter and vocalist. She has some pretty great musical friends, whom I got to meet as well, as they helped her lay down some wicked tracks. The Mayhemingways (currently on tour-check ‘em out), Northland Rail Service and Spencer Chakedis all showed up at Frederick House Audio one recent and muggy summer Tuesday.
After spending several hours with this crew, I think it is safe to say, musicians are a weird bunch and do I EVER love them! They all showed up, poured their souls into Alison’s upcoming album. They made me feel like one of the gang, and were totally okay with my weird self, as I made Spencer get in front of the camera (while smoking so I could get a dope back lit shot), made them all sit on ledges and just in general, got all up in their cheese while they were playing.
Alison and I also traipsed around downtown Kitchener and got some fun shots of her and her violin in Goudies Lane. I’m happy that Alison and I have become real good friends, and I wish her so much success with her new album. When that’s available, I’ll let you all know! Until then, enjoy this inside look at a recording session and a tiny snippet of DTK.