Guelph Wedding || Pat and Jess: A wedding to remember
Heyyyyy I really do shoot weddings and not just frolic all over North America!
Pat and Jess's wedding was a special one. It's hard to put into words just how amazing this couple I'll do my best. I met Pat and Jess through their friends whom I photographed last year (also an amazing couple that I met through another previous client and both couples were at this wedding!! REUNION!!!). I've photographed 45 weddings to date, and every couple is special and unique and I love them all, and I love meeting new humans...but Pat and Jess are just, just awesome. After we proper met in downtown Guelph for their engagement session, I came to realize that they are wholly themselves, love each other unabashedly, make everyone around them feel loved and important and after that- I couldn't let them down on their wedding day. I always bring my A game to a wedding, but I had all this extra pressure I put on myself, cuz how do you not deliver and create your very best for the sweetest couple ever??
Pat's brother, the best man said it best in his speech, "you guys make it so easy to fall in love with you." Truer words have never been spoken.