The Dead Flower Project | The Beginning
I've always wanted my photography to be more than a pretty picture. In fact, when I first picked up a camera I hated taking images of people, and strictly walked around uptown Waterloo and downtown Kitchener endlessly taking images of architecture. I still love doing street photography, but obviously I love taking images of people now, as weddings are my jam. But this isn't a post about the things you do know, it's about the things you don't know.
It's scary sharing this with you all, well because then y'all will hold me accountable, but here goes. So most of you know I've been collecting dead flowers (and FYI I still need so much more), but most of you don't know why. So here's why. The dead flowers are for a gallery work I am doing that was inspired by an original prose blogger I love named Lucy Quin.
He’ll buy you roses and all you’ll be able to think about is how these days feelings only seem to last as long as the flowers. But you’ll hold on to them regardless until they’re rotting and wilting because you never learned how to let go of things, even after they’re dead.
I started thinking about all the little things that a person can hold on to, things that can hinder personal growth, whether that may be a person or a memory or an excuse. We don't want the "thing" to stop being alive, to stop being a part of our lives, our being, but it happens. And before you know it, this "thing" we grip so close to us is now dead and it most likely happened without our being aware of it.
So I'm letting go of keeping my ideas in my head. I want to share them with everyone, I want to share them for me. And keeping in tune with my craft, here are some images of what my attic and house and my mind (there's an iPhone pic from my art journal) looks like in relation to The Dead Flower Project, which I hope in the long run turns into a beautiful collaborative work with Lucy, which we have slowly started to shape the last couple months. #iloverunonsentences
So yes, I definitely need more cut flowers if you have a bouquet that is at the end of its lifespan- I will gladly pick it up. I need hundreds of bouquets to get the look I want, so I will not turn a flower away! I will most definitely be sharing more behind the scenes images as I have more to share. If you want to stay up to date on the goings on of my life and random photography things follow me on Instagram @dieunaphotography and you won't miss a thing! Thank you to everyone who has kept their flowers for me so far and please, keep them coming!